Dunia online memberikan peluang besar bagi siapa saja yang mau memanfaatkannya dalam upaya membangun usaha melalui dunia online. Membangun bisnis dunia online sebenarnya susah-susah gampang tergantung orang yang memanfaatkannya. Jika belum dilakukan memang kelihatan repot, ribet, rumit dan "r-r-r" yang lain, namun ketika mau dan memutuskan untuk menekuninya ternyata gampang dan mengasyikkan...gak percayakan? Gimana mau percaya mencobanya saja belum...hehehe......


Samsung’s exclusive Internet@TV technology opens up more worlds than you can possibly imagine. And puts it all on large and brilliant screen....


Bagaimana cara mengatasi blinking pada printer epson t13, ikuti langkah-langkahnya disini ...


Anda blogger Indonesia dan mempunyai kemampuan di bidang SEO. Ingin mengasah pengalaman dan kemampuan SEO anda. AYO IKUT SEGERA ...


Semoga peluang besar dunia online mampu kita manfaatkan dengan baik dan benar, apapun itu selama memberi nilai yang baik dan tidak melanggar nilai-nilai kebenaran tidak ada salahnya kita mencobanya dengan berbekal saling berbagi dan tetap belajar untuk lebih baik...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cara Servis HP3920, D1360, D2466 Lampu Blink

Cara Servis HP3920, D1360, D2466 Lampu Blink :

1. Bongkar printer dengan membuka ke empat sekrupnya.

2. Cek bagian bar encodernya. Encoder adalah penerjemah program ke gerakan motor printer. Biasanya bar encoder ini kotor kena cipratan tinta. encoder ini bentuk seperti pita plastik bening dan ada garis2x kodenya...

3. Bersihkan encodernya dengan tisu basah. "Awas" jangan sampai garis2x yang ada di encoder hilang.

4. Coba printer anda. Kalau masih sama, berarti encoder harus diganti....

O...Yaaa sebenarnya masalah printer ini tidak hanya terjadi di HP3920, D1360, D2466, tapi hampir semua HP type deskjet bisa mengalami trouble ini.

Selamat Mencoba ....

Monday, July 12, 2010

New Samsung UltraTOUCH S8300 Slider Phone With 2.8″ AMOLED Full Touch Screen And 8 MP Camera

The leading manufacturer of mobile phones, Samsung Electronics has announced its new elegant full-touch slider phone – Samsung UltraTOUCH S8300, which features 2.8-inch WQVGA AMOLED anti-scratch full touch screen display, universal 3×4 keypad slider, and 8 megapixel camera with dual power LED flash, smile shot mode, Geo-tagging as well as high quality 30fps VGA video recording capability.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

BlackBerry Essex – the Tour with WiFi

The latest BlackBerry to surface has been named the Essex. The device is the next iteration of the BlackBerry Tour aka the BlackBerry Niagara aka the BlackBerry 9630.

The Essex looks just like the Tour in size and the major adjustments are in form factor, as well as a couple features such as WiFi will be added.

As with many BlackBerry devices, one of the first things you’ll notice is the keyboard. The Essex has opted out of the Bold style keyboard and chosen a chicklet style Curve keyboard. The BlackBerry community is fairly divided on Curve vs the Bold keyboards, so it makes sense for RIM to change it up and offer both alternatives.

The Essex will also come with the new trackpad, which at this point we have to assume will come standard with all BlackBerry devices that once had a trackball. Again, the device will be a World Phone, capable of roaming between CDMA and GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS networks.

There is also a rumor that this device will be heading to Sprint, which was loosely confirmed when a Sprint exec said we will see a WiFi enabled Tour this year.